20 Ideas To Post On Your Threads App Feed (Instagram Threads Ideas) 2024

Threads App ideas to post

Here is a list of 20 Instagram Threads Ideas to post on your new Threads account.

What is thread app used for?

Threads is a new app from the parent company of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.

The platform looks a lot like Twitter, with a feed of largely text-based posts — although users can also post photos and videos — where people can have real-time conversations.

What is the difference between threads and Instagram?

Threads is a new app, built by the Instagram team, for sharing text updates and joining public conversations.

You log in using your Instagram account and posts can be up to 500 characters long and include links, photos, and videos up to 5 minutes in length.

Where is Threads available?

Threads is available in 100 countries and more than 30 languages via Apple’s iOS and Android, according to the company.

In just a few hours after launching, Threads by Instagram hit 40+ Million active users.

You are probably one of them from the fact that you are reading this article right now about Threads topic ideas to share with your followers on Threads.

With that being said, below are some of the best Threads Ideas to share on your thread feed and keep your followers engaged and grow your followers on the app.

What To Post On Threads App:

  1. Post a Thread about how new you are to the platform
  2. Post a Thread about your new found addiction to the Threads App
  3. Post on your Threads feed about your day
  4. Post a new found joke
  5. Post a photo and ask your followers to comment a caption
  6. Post a question or engaging quote
  7. Post a motivational speech on your Threads feed
  8. Ask your followers for a tip they know about anything
  9. Repost a Thread you like
  10. Comment on your own Thread
  11. Tag someone on your Thread
  12. Start a small movement
  13. Share a funny video on Threads
  14. Post a picture/meme
  15. Thread about a breaking or trending news
  16. Post about an event
  17. Respond to someone else’s Threads
  18. Wish someone a happy birthday
  19. Share an interesting article you read online
  20. Post a Thread about your status (single / dating)
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