50+ NTSA Questions and Answers To Pass Your Driving Test In Kenya 2024

NTSA exam questions and answers

To be a qualified driver in Kenya and get a legit driving license from NTSA that allows you to drive freely in the country.

You must go to a registered driving school in Kenya and sit for the NTSA Driving Test.

A driving test is a procedure designed by the country traffic laws to examine a person’s ability to drive a motor vehicle without endangering the lives of other motorists.

According to the National Transport Safety Authority (NTSA), Kenya driving test questions are a must before one qualifies for a driving license.

As a result, you need to ensure that you qualify in two areas of your driving lesson.

Which the first part is always the theory part where you are taught and schooled on the traffic rules, codes, and behaviors on the road etc, then later on, practical.

What is the pass mark for the NTSA Driving Test exam?

The pass mark for all new learning drivers in Kenya sitting for the NTSA exam is 80% after compiling the average performance in both theory and practical.

How do you know you have passed NTSA driving test?

To know the results of your NTSA exam, you can simply visit the NTSA Official Website at (https://www.ntsa.go.ke/) then enter the required details and fill out the information needed to access your account and successfully check your results there or you might as well choose to contact NTSA Customer Support directly.

With that being said, below are the most common questions that new drivers sitting for the NTSA Driving test exam theory are always asked.

Use these NTSA Q&A below to ensure you pass your driving test in Kenya and become a qualified driver in the country.

Kenyan Driving School Exam Questions and Answers From NTSA:

  1. What is the maximum speed limit in town?

Answer: 50km/hr

  1. What is the maximum speed limit on the highway?


a) Pick-up & lorries.

Answer: 80km/hr

b) Cars.

Answer: 110km/hr

c) Trailers.

Answer: 65km/hr

  1. What are the four important tools you have to carry when driving for a safari?


a) A Carjack

b) A Spare Wheel

c) A Spotlight

  1. How do you hold the steering wheel clockwise?
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Answer: 10 to 2 position and 9 to 3 position

  1. What do you do if, as crossing by the traffic lights is green then they suddenly change to amber?

Answer: You should proceed if you had crossed the stop sign

  1. Which is the strongest gear on a vehicle, explain your answer?

Answer: Reverse gear is the strongest gear, because it has no any other alternative gear

  1. Which gear should be used to start a loaded lorry and why?

Answer: Gear number 1 because it is more strong than number two

  1. When do we dim our lights at night?


On a well lit road

When meeting on coming vehicle

When meeting a pedestrian

  1. Where should you as a driver not hoot?


In hospitals

In schools

Near law courts

Where there is a “NO HOOTING SIGN”

  1. What are the four important parts to be maintained in a car?


The Brakes

The Steering wheel

The Wheels

The Lights

  1. Where is a driver NOT allowed to park?


At a junction

At the corner of the road

Where there Is a No Parking sign

At a bus stop

  1. What is a pedestrian Crossing?

Answer: A safe crossing provided for the safe use of pedestrians

  1. Name four causes of accidents in Kenya


a) Drunkenness

b) Overspeeding

c) Overloading

d) Carelessness

  1. What is the Highway Code?

Answer: A booklet checked and passed by the parliament for rules of road users.

  1. What are hazard lights?

Answer: These are vehicle lights that flash at the front and back of the car. They are switched on when they is a hazard or danger.

  1. What are Indicator lights?

Answer: These are lights that are used to provide signals to other users when changing lanes, reversing and parking.

  1. What is a vehicle?

Answer: A vehicle is an automobile power driven machine

  1. Within which period should an accident be reported at a police station in Kenya?

Answer: As soon as possible but within 24 hours

  1. What are the rules of the model town board?


a) Use the shortest and the most correct route without using the parking

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b) Use the longest and the most correct route without using the parking

c) Use parking if there is no other route

  1. Green Colour on the traffic light means go, except when?


a) When there is an on coming vehicle from the right

b) When stopped by a police officer

  1. What do you look for when driving past stationary vehicles?


a) Opening of doors

b) Pedestrian crossing

  1. What is the rule of the Road in Kenya?

Answer: To always keep left unless overtaking.

  1. Which side do you overtake from?

Answer: The right side

  1. Which is the biggest roundabout in East Africa?

Answer: The Globe Cinema Roundabout

  1. Why are commercial vehicles taken for inspection?

Answer: To make sure they are in good condition and road worthy

  1. What is coasting?

Answer: It is driving a vehicle for a long distance only with one gear

  1. Name three documents which must be valid before you are allowed to drive:


a)Valid driving license

b)Valid insurance certificate

c)Valid vehicle inspection certificate

  1. When are you not allowed to drive despite having the three valid required documents?


a) When you are sick

b) Drunk

c) Under drugs fatigue

  1. What should you do first when receiving your driving license for the first time?

Answer: Check all the details and sign in an ink pen

  1. When there is a white continuous line down a one-way traffic road, what does it mean?

Answer: No changing lanes

  1. State the three seconds rule

Answer: If you reach the object before three seconds, then you are not driving at a safe distance from the vehicle ahead of you.

  1. Explain what are Dim Lights?

Answer: These are lights which are switched on when it is getting dark. They are also switched on for a short distance viewing of oncoming vehicles.

  1. What are parking dim lights?

Answer: They are  lights that are switched on at 6:45 AM or when it is raining or dusty.

  1. What are full lights?

Answer: These are lights used on highways to enable the driver to see further

  1. What is a lane?
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Answer: It is a path to be followed by the vehicle

  1. Who is a pedestrian?

Answer: Road users on foot

  1. When stopped by a police officer, name four places you cannot stop?


At a junction

At the center of the road

Where there is no stopping sign

On a roundabout

  1. Where should you not overtake at?


At a junction

Where there is no overtaking sign

On a roundabout

  1. Where does the law require you to stop?


At a stop sign

When ordered by a police officer

When the traffic lights changes to red

  1. When do you use the mirror when driving?


When overtaking

Changing lane

When Stopping

  1. How many wheels does a saloon Car have?

Answer: Five (Four moving and one spare)

  1. How many eyes does a driver have?

Answer: Three (Two natural and one artificial)

  1. What distance should you keep between two moving vehicles in town?

Answer: You should see behind the wheels or the number plate of the vehicle infront

  1. What is the meaning of the letter EAK found at the outer cover of a driving license?

Answer: EAK stands for East Africa Kenya

  1. How should a driver control their self in an uncontrolled roundabout?

Answer: They should make sure there is no oncoming vehicle from the right side of the round about

  1. What’s the name given to someone carrying a sign saying “STOP CHILDREN CROSSING”?

Answer: A School Warden

  1. Why do we normally press down the clutch peddle when engaging gears?

Answer: To disconnect the gear box from the engine

  1. What must you NOT do when being overtaken?

Answer: You should not accelerate

  1. When can you overtake from the left side of the road?

Answer: When the vehicle in front of you is turning right

  1. Which vehicles have the right of way?


a) An ambulance with a siren

b) Fire Engine with a siren

c) Presidential escort with a siren

d) A police car with a siren

  1. When can you put on the lights during the day?


a) When it is foggy

b) During heavy rainfall

c) When it is misty

d) During emergency

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