Top 10 Richest Countries In Southeast Asia [Ranked] 2024

Richest countries in Southeast Asia

What’s the most wealthy country today in the Southeast Asia?.

South East Asia has some of the most rich countries in the continent this year which are all listed below.

As a matter of fact, Southeast Asia has a number of countries that appear in the list ranking of the top richest countries globally.

These are the top wealthiest Southeast Asia countries today, by GDP per capita.

GDP Per capita income or total income measures the average income earned per person in a given area in a specified year.

It is calculated by dividing the area’s total income by its total population. Per capita income is national income divided by population size.

In Southeast Asia today, the richest countries are actually the countries with the most and the strongest currency.

What’s the richest Southeast Asian country?.

Currently, Singapore is the richest country in Southeast Asia with a GDP per capita of $65,234 as of this year.

Countries such as East Timor, Cambodia, and Myanmar have the lowest GDP per capita in southeast Asia which means that they are the poorest countries in the Southeast Asia region.

If you have ever wondered what’s the richest countries in the Southeast region of the Asian continent.

Below are the top 10 most wealthy Southeast Asian Countries By GDP Per Capita.

By the GDP per capita in United States Dollars, here is the list of the richest countries in Asia (South East Asia).

Richest Countries In Southeast Asia By GDP Per Capita:

  1. Singapore – $65,234
  2. Brunei – $31,086.8
  3. Malaysia – $11,414.2
  4. Thailand – $7,806.7
  5. Indonesia – $4,135.6
  6. Philippines – $3,485.1
  7. Vietnam – $2,715.3
  8. Laos – $2,534.9
  9. Cambodia – $1,643.1
  10. East Timor – $1,560.5
  11. Myanmar – $1,407.8
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