25+ Best Transformers Pick Up Lines 2024

Transformers pick up lines

What are the best transformer pick up lines for flirting with a girl or a boy?.

In this new updated pick up lines article, you will find the latest, funniest, dirty and cheesy transformers pick up lines to use today.

Transformer Pick Up Lines:

I would like to transform you and roll you out to my room. 

I wish you were a transformer because you would be hot or bot. 

Call me Quintesson because you are making my head spin. 

It looks like you exhaust because I have been blown away by your beauty. 

Looks like you clean your armour with Windex because I can vividly see my heart in you. 

Come park in the field with me and I won’t scuff the paint job too much. 

Can I check your tires? Because they look a little soft and would want to squeeze them a little. 

Will you be in vehicle mode for two weeks if I spent in your room tonight?

Hey baby, you look like kids cartoon from the early 90’s and I want fuck you for that. 

Will you come over at my place? Because I want to do it three times, with each round more disappointing than the previous.

I want to die with you because death is no big deal for me as long as you are by my side. We look indistinguishable together. 

If I come for sleep over at your place, I will make you moan for hours because each round will be 3 hours long.

You would be Optimus Fine if you were a transformer. 

Will you be my highway? Because I want to drive with you all night long. 

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Can I give you a ride home?

I can’t locate my minicon and I’m asking if I can combine with you instead. 

I am transformed by your beauty. 

Will you donate your body to me for a science project?

Hey girl, I am rumble. Will you activate my piledriver?

You are bumble beautiful this evening. Will you come over with me to my place?

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